• https://www.facebook.com/sibel.bilgin.1272
  • https://www.twitter.com/sibel.bilgin
Cyprus Documentary Festival

Golden Orange Film Festival

Floor Kooij




(1949 Dordrecht - 2009 Amsterdam)

  • 1969- 1975: Tecnhical University of Delft inThe Netherlands, Electronics/Computer sciences

  • 1971- 1976: University of Amsterdam, ‘cum laude’master in Philosophy (aesthetic, social philosophy, film-sociology.

  • 1975- 1984: Member of the Amsterdams Stadsjournaal (Amsterdam City Newsreel) cooperation. Producer and director of 36 short documentaries and features.

  • 1984- 2000: Producer, director and co-director of Yuca Film. Developed and directed more than 50 documentaries for the Dutch Public Networks, especially Channel 3. In 1994 and 1996, there were nominations for ‘Gouden Klaf ‘, the best Dutch documentary of the year.Besides the televison Channels, he produced and directed documentaries for organizations NGO’s and ministries about  various social issues.
  • Selection of produced and directed from 1984-1992
  • De Gebroken Droom 1985 directed by Floor Kooij
  • Beeld van een Kind 1989 directed by Albert v.d. Wildt
  • Pink Ulysses 1990 directed by Erik de Kuyper
  • Lyrisch Nitrat 1990 directed by Peter Delpeut
  • De Ford Fabriek 1991 directed by Floor Kooij/Meral Uslu NOS TV winner of the Broeksz-award 1992

  • 2000- 2009: Owner of the Parallel Film, together with his wife Sibel Bilgin. Producer and director of more than 25 documentaries in The Netherlands, Turkey and Nicaragua.



İstanbul Film Festival

Beyoğlu Cinema

Ziyaret Bilgileri
Aktif Ziyaretçi1
Bugün Toplam7
Toplam Ziyaret53923